Building a Strong Team Online Course
Develop the essential skills to build and lead strong, effective teams with this practical, Lean-focused course!
✓ Develop leadership skills that drive team performance
✓ Engage your team in Kaizen and continuous improvement
✓ Communicate effectively and motivate people for maximum impact
✓ Build a pipeline of skilled, motivated team members
✓ Learn how to set clear rules and lead by example
What does a strong team look like?
If you were to narrow down the most important qualities you’d want in a team, it would likely include a team that:
Consistently achieves stable Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, and People (SEQCDP) performance, with continuous improvement over time.
Is versatile, with team members who are multi-skilled.
Seamlessly runs Quality Circle-style improvement activities.
Actively volunteers Kaizen ideas and raises red tags to identify issues.
Quickly finds, deals with and escalates problems (even if it’s beyond their own area!)

Why is Building a Strong Team important?
Building a strong team not only enhances performance and drives continuous improvement but also fosters employee wellbeing and engagement.
Build the leaders of tomorrow
Grow and develop your team into future leaders through training and development
Improve performance
across the board
Achieve improvements across Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, and People (SQCDP) metrics
Get control across the factory
Achieve continuous improvement
Create a culture of accountability and continuous improvement
Build skills that identify and solve problems at speed using Kaizen techniques
Improve employee wellbeing
Motivate people to contribute beyond their regular tasks
Develop shop floor team who contribute and are supported by other areas

What you’ll achieve in this course
Developed from 25 years of experience with top global manufacturers, this course helps you build a high-performing, engaged team through continuous improvement, skill development, better communication, and clear standards—all while leading with confidence.
It is broken down into 9 bitesize interactive sections, designed to help you to:
Engage your team in Kaizen
Motivate your team
Develop their skills
Communicate effectively
Set clear rules and be consistent
Lead by example
Enroll today and start building a stronger, more motivated team that excels through effective leadership and continuous improvement!
* See case study examples.
Course Outline
This course helps you understand what defines a strong team and equips you with practical skills to build one, featuring expert-led, real-world scenarios and in-situ tasks.
Designed to fit into your workday, you can start, pause, and resume when it works for you.
Course Overview

What’s in it for me?

If there were four practical daily skills
If you can... A Team Leader's Manifesto

Recognising what a 'strong' team looks like

What does a strong team look like?
Recognising a strong team
Five ways to build a strong team
How do you currently do it?
Rate yourself

Engage your team in Kaizen
On the shopfloor
On the shopfloor: Two scenarios
Spotting abnormalities
Engage your team in Kaizen
End of Tutorial

Motivate your people

Problems with the jig
Scenario 1: Problems with the jig
Reward and recognition
Practical ways to motivate people
Operator Performance Review
End of Tutorial

Develop their skills

The andon is going off again
Scenario 2: Calling the Team Leader
What's gone wrong?
Training skills development and career pathways
End of Tutorial

Communicate well

See, hear
Scenario 1: Problems with the jig continued
Down the line, through the wire
Communicating around you
A timeline of your day
Set clear direction
End of Tutorial

Set and keep clear rules

Can someone explain the rules please?
Scenario 2: Calling the Team Leader continued
Getting your team to follow rules
Rules, rules, rules!
End of Tutorial

Your leadership role

Lead by example
Lead by example - in action
Building a strong team with leadership and 'Go-Look-See'
Patrolling your area
What are you going to do differently?

The Coaching Leader

The coaching leader
Scenario 3: Understanding the real problem
Breaking it down
More coaching scenarios


Take a bow
Let us know what you think
SempaiGuide Case Studies
The SempaiGuide Approach
With 25 years of global Lean experience and insights from today’s industry leaders, SempaiGuide courses are crafted to transform your manufacturing operations and equip you with essential skills for career growth.
with real-world examples
We begin by exploring what makes a strong team, then show you how to build your own through simple, practical steps with real-world examples.
the impact in real-time
In-situ improvements are captured throughout the course with built-in improvement trackers for quantifiable ROI.
Why choose a course from Sempai?

100% of team leaders love or like the courses
Based on 50 users across 10 businesses in 5 manufacturing sectors

Immediate, tangible SQDCPE results
Each course features built-in improvement trackers for immediate, quantifiable results aligned to SQDCPE targets

Building the leaders of tomorrow
Each course, fosters a culture of continuous improvement whilst embedding essential skills for career advancement

Lean learning, on the shop floor
We understand that shop floor employees face frequent interruptions, so Sempai courses are designed to seamlessly integrate into the natural flow of the working day on the shop floor.

Improved course engagement
Instant feedback loops provide positive reinforcement, improving course completion rates and scores.
Looking for additional support?

SempaiGuide Plus is a blended offering, giving you access to an annual subscription of Lean courses plus additional virtual support from our team which includes:
Remote check-ins
Q&A sessions
Guidance on a scenario you want to address
Our customers find that regular check-ins and reviews, with targeted support, help to embed lean habits and sustain great results from the team.

Sempai consulting is a truly bespoke option where you can draw heavily on our expertise to work alongside you and your team to tackle a range of projects including:
Senior management coaching to grow and embed a strong, high performing lean culture throughout your business
Support for HR with employee development i.e. performance reviews and talent identification at all levels
Development pathways across all levels in Operations Management, from Operator to Operations Director, Materials Management, Engineering, Quality & Maintenance
Q. Can I track my/my employee’s progress?A. Yes! You will have a login which provides you an overview of your progress through the course and your score. A certificate is awarded at the end of the course but the focus is centered around the in-built trackers that showcase the real-world results achieved from implementing the 5s principles.
Q. How much time am I going to have to invest?A. The course length varies but typically takes 10 hours to complete which includes the practical application. The course heavily focuses on the practical application of the 5s skills. We have designed the courses to work alongside you during the normal working day on the shop floor. It is broken down into bitesize sections, with the added option to pause at any point, making it easier to 'pick up and put down' where you left off.
Q. What if I want additional support?A. SempaiGuide Plus gives you access to the online course plus additional in-person or virtual support from our team of experts. Over the years we have supported organisations and individuals with a vast array of projects from the creation of employee development pathways to ongoing coaching to develop Lean strategy across the business.
Q. Will it deliver sustainable change?A. Each course is developed using an active learning approach within a 'micro-learning' framework, proven to deliver tangible, long-lasting results. If unsure if this course is right for you, we offer a free trial of one of the course sections.
Q. What if staff leave the business – will I have to start again?A. Absolutely not! From a practical perspective, if you've purchased a course for several team members and someone leaves, you can easily transfer the course to someone else. When it comes to making changes, a key part of all SempaiGuide courses is demonstrating how to standardise these improvements so they become a natural part of your business workflow. Additionally, embedding Lean principles across your organisation not only improves workflow and safety but also helps reduce staff turnover. By enhancing work-life balance, involving employees in decision-making, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, Lean practices reduce burnout, increase employee loyalty, and support career development.
Q. I’m concerned employees just won’t use the course.A. From a study of 50 users across 10 businesses in 5 different sectors, we found a 95% course completion rate, with 100% of team leaders recommending our courses. We offer free demos and trials, so if you're unsure, why not try it out for yourself!
Q. How does the cost compare to the results achieved?A. Our courses are designed to be flexible, with on-demand courses starting at just £419 with up to 7x ROI achieved often after just one pass of the course. 5s, as part of team leader development, has led to promotion of team leaders to fill the talent pipeline.